Saturday, March 11, 2017

Byzantine Catholics are Orthodox Christians--Whether You Like It or Not!

Slava Isusu Christu!

I recently got into an argument with a Latin priest over the intersection of Byzantine Catholicism with Eastern Orthodoxy and I almost felt like Father Alexis Toth vs. Archbishop Ireland (1). Suffice it to say, I really felt the priest needed courses in ecumenism and on the Eastern Churches because his formation was clearly pre-Conciliar--meaning he viewed the Eastern Catholic Churches as just Catholic Churches no different from the Latin Church except for a few cultural and liturgical rarities and our purpose is to convert the Eastern Orthodox.

My argument was that Byzantine Catholics are Eastern Orthodox and that at the time of the Unias they did not surrender their Eastern Orthodox identity, faith, or praxis.  His was that I was wrong and I should realize that Byzantine Catholics are not Eastern Orthodox--that somehow they surrendered that when they came into communion with Rome.  However, Rome has called us repeatedly in church documents to return to our authentic identity and praxis, through Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Orientale Lumen, the Eastern Code of Canon Law, and where does our identity the Eastern Orthodox Churches.  The Patriarchate of Rome is not our Mother Church as Byzantine-Ruthenian Catholics but rather it is the Patriarchate of Constantinople and to it we should look for guidance and help restoring our Orthodox identity and authentic traditions in dialogue until ecclesiastical unity is achieved.

As a Byzantine Catholic convert, I discovered that as Byzantine Catholics we are not monolithic when it comes to ecclesial identity and that while I believe we are Eastern Orthodox in communion with the bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, others on the far end of the spectrum believe we are nothing more than Roman Catholics with an archaic and strange Rite originating in Constantinople who have our own bishops and are to accept all the doctrinal developments in the Latin Church which differ from the Eastern Orthodox Churches on pain of sin.

It is unfortunate that historically Latin developments in theology and praxis have been imposed on the faithful of the Byzantine Catholic Church and the other Eastern Catholic Churches--and as any ecclesial minority we have compromised our Orthodox identity to the point that often we seem no different then Latins in teaching or praxis (2).  Latinization, the taking on of Roman Rite customs, praxis, church architecture and forms, ecclesial identity, devotions, spirituality, forms of religious life, hybridization of Eastern Catholic traditions with that of the Latin Rite--has occurred since the Unias and now after the Second Vatican Council, like a huge knot, must be undone and it is our responsibility as Byzantine Catholics to actively seek not only the restoration of our authentic Eastern Orthodox Way of Life but also to suppress Latinization, Protestantization, and secularization of our holy and life-giving traditions.

After arguing with the Latin priest, I have to tell you I was perturbed to say the least and although I did not have the problems Father Alexis Toth had when he was a Greek Rite priest: it is clear that education of Latin faithful and clergy is essential today as there is the potential for the same ignorance experienced by Father Alexis when he visited Archbishop Ireland--of the superiority of the Latin Rite and its customs, traditions, mentality, rites, ceremonies, spiritualities, religious life, celibate priesthood, etc., over our authentic Eastern Orthodox Way--a Way we did NOT surrender to be relegated to an inferior Catholic class subordinate to the Latins. (3).

We are in communion with the Latins and the bishop of Rome out of a future hope of the full unity of the Church but not in order to become the Eastern Orthodox proselytizing wing of the Latin Church--We are true Churches, fully Orthodox and fully Catholic, seeking the unity of all Churches--a bridge to a future reality of union--a union prayed for by Christ (John 17:21).  We may not be accepted as Eastern Orthodox by some Orthodox or by Catholics but through effective dialogue and ecumenism bridges will be built and fortified--the way toward Christian unity will be secured!

Pope Francis is leading the way!

Have a blessed Holy and Great Lent!


(1). Life of St. Alexis Toth, retrieved from
(2). Spencer, Robert. We are Non-Roman Catholics, retrieved from
(3). 33 Articles Concerning Union With the Roman Church, retrieved from

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